
Melding ancient Shamanic Healing and sacredness with the Power of Reiki – The universal life force energy

“Shamanism is one of the oldest forms of spirituality that exists today.

Shamans call upon the essential forces of nature, the elements such as the winds, sacred plants, smoke, rocks, animals, fire and rivers for healing. They call in helping Spirits, the Ancestors to shift energy and balance energies through vibration of drums, bells, rattles, movement, chanting and other methods. The connect with the unseen , using all senses to travel through time and share messages of hope.

Shamans help initiate your healing for the Mind, Body and Soul.

Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means

"God's Wisdom or the Higher Power"

and Ki which is "life force energy".

So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being. Many have reported miraculous results.

Shamanic Reiki is the most incredible way to transform and shift in change in a supported way with practical tools to guide you through, have a session or learn for yourself!

Shamanic healing, energy/body/chakra scans, Shamanic Reiki, Soul and Mediumship readings, 

In person submersed in Nature, next classes in Shamanic Level 1 and Level 2 coming September 2024

Come join me in a session to assist in your healing and life journey.
All of you is welcome here.

Send Paige a message


@thewildspiritpaige on Instagram

Moultonborough, New Hampshire USA

The Element of Fire

For me fire is a sensation, a ever changing element that can warm the heart and soul and brings light to darkness and bring rapid change in a blink of an eye. A Birth and a Death. Manifestations. Fire symbolizes ceremony for me, sacredness, untamed energy that can shift energy with power and speed.

When the sun rises each day, its fire glows and it brings a reminder of new beginnings, hope, healing, medicine and growth.

At sunset, the sun teaches us to let go and surrender and rest.

The Earth Element

  the Earth is Life, the earth nurtures.“Pacha Mama” or Mother Earth offers her vastness,rich, fertile foundation within which to plant our personal spiritual seeds. The link to our collective past, our higher self, our connection to the planet, and our inescapable bond with every life form. The Earth element nurtures, and it protects. The Earth element provides this shamanic language for use in dreams, metaphysics, and healing. The Earth element is the connection to more than one million years of evolution, the collective subconscious, archetypes, and the realm of nature spirits. Bringing together everything we need for growth and healing.

The Element of Water For me water is my most sacred element. I feel its emotional power for cleansing energies, its ever flowing calming force even within the eye of a storm its power is captivating and soothing. It can transform emotions, nourish t…

The Element of Water

For me water is my most sacred element. I feel its emotional power for cleansing energies, its ever flowing calming force even within the eye of a storm its power is captivating and soothing. It can transform emotions, nourish the soul and cleanse stagnant energies. Water is the universal fuel of existence; life cannot function without water. To Shaman, the Water element symbolizes growth by feeding all life forms on the planet. Drinking water, bathing, swimming, crying and playing in the rain or snow- a reminder to go with the flow and let it flow whatever the emotion may be. Feel it and let it go. Water is life, water sustains us.

The Air ElementThe Breath of Life.  The way the air can change and shift directions every minute, it shares the ability to shift energy rapidly, but by the ever so slight breeze to uplift you, to the powerful winds of change. The Air provides the sh…

The Air Element

The Breath of Life. The way the air can change and shift directions every minute, it shares the ability to shift energy rapidly, but by the ever so slight breeze to uplift you, to the powerful winds of change. The Air provides the shaman with a connection to upper realms. By using their psychic abilities, a shaman can transcend the limits of her or his body to communicate directly with the Spirit, with One and bring forth messages for healing. Air brings in power from the four directions and from the cosmos. Melding the invisible power of the upper realms and unseen world to you. I invite you to be open to receive